Thursday, January 3, 2013

Working on it

I am trying to do better on the eating "good" point of this year's resolution. Right now I think awareness may be my only victory. I cite last night's delemna as my reference here. I am on my way home late from meeting some friends. I'm hungry and have a 30 minute drive home. My first thought was to grab some drive through. Then I recall my resolution and begrudgingly think where can I get "good" food and not slow my trip home much. I opt for the grocery store near by, but still have no plan. After milling about for too long, wiping out the fast part entirely, I convinced myself a bag of chips was ok as it was a local company and kettle chips at that. I bought a juice and headed out on my way. I spent 20 minutes only to wind up with an expensive juice and a bag of chips? Effort was there but I had to laugh that that was my big "good" effort.

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