Friday, January 21, 2011

Quit talking about it...

Let me forwarn, there is some soapboxing about to be let loose. Over the years I have held a variety of jobs and worked with a wider variety of people. There are two types that seem to always be in every job. There are do'ers and talkers. I have always been a do'er and find little satisfaction in talking about what needs to be done. I also can not stomache telling someone to do something I either can not or do not want to do. Just me. If I can do the worst job and do it well, I get some kick of accomplishment. I know, I am odd. The talkers though, always seem to know what should be done. It never fails to sound absurd to hear one of them spewing on about what they clearly can not do. What recourse does one have when faced with this? Enjoy the breeze? Who is John Galt?

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