Saturday, January 1, 2011

"That's the plan, rule the world..."

New Year huh? It certainly seems so thus far. First year in the last several I have not had to be at work first thing in the morning. I am getting to enjoy lounging with Tiff and the dogs this morning. Nice to have some coffee, jazz, and a little quiet. So, what's the plan this year? If 2010 taught me anything is that where I stand right now may not even be able to grasp where I could be in 365 days. We will be watching our house be built and getting used to what it means to own and not rent. Our little Maggie will become less little and hopefully let us relax a little more at home. I imagine I will be signing up to run the ridiculous 26.2 miles again this year somewhere. There's a monkey on the back to parted with. School? Paris? New ink?

Who knows?

I do know I am enjoying the boost in Captain Stupie updates. Not that I think I am all that interesting to be posting daily, but I find you all fascinating and relish the occasional response. So, as my friend Laurel has endeavored to do, I am attempting fulfill a daily post for the next year. We'll see how that goes. As for further resolutions, they are pretty simple. Exercise more, write more, and stay in better touch with my family (blood and friend alike).

Here's to you, my dedicated three readers as well! May 2011 bring you some truly good times!

1 comment:

Codeface said...

Word T. 1-1-11. . . Here we go . . .